Company launch

We support you in all of your company’s areas of development and, more specifically, in terValms of commercialization and research funding, which for most startups are key issues in their growth.

Services available at this stage

Company structure

The Head coach and our experts will guide you through best business practices to allow you to structure your company at every level: business strategy, product development, intellectual property, administration and accounting, operations management, human resources, marketing and sales, etc.

Market study and validation

The iA7 team will help you better understand your market, its segmentation, your main competitors and the barriers to entry, and the team will make recommendations to you. iA7 will help you put in place competitive intelligence to monitor advances made in your company’s sector.

Business model

The Head coach and our experts will help you, as needed, to rethink, reshape and challenge your current business model to solidify it and adapt it to a changing reality.

IP strategy

A competitive analysis of patent portfolios will be done by iA7 to help you develop your intellectual property strategy.

Through the MomentumPI project, which is coordinated by the MAIN , ACET offers you access to professional intellectual property services to train you and help you put in place your IP strategy.

Funding strategy

In your first weeks at ACET, you will have a personalized meeting to identify the different strategies and funding sources suited to your company. You will also be offered help to guide you in grant program applications (Bon d’incubation, Impulsion PME, Primo-adoptant). We will review your submission documents and support you in your efforts to put together a high-quality dossier.

Venture capital funding

We have created for you a series of workshops on venture capital fundraising to maximize your chances of success. In addition, we offer personalized coaching that will help you especially with:

  • Planning your fundraising
  • Preparing your investor pitch
  • Reviewing your data room
  • Connecting with the right stakeholders

ACET Capital

Our investment Director is here to help you put in place a funding strategy that takes into account your needs and your company’s growth.

Our other services

Entrepreneur development

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